TypeDraft Config

Before using a DSL, we have to register it in typedraft.config.ts. Create this file at the root of your project and export the config object.

For example, in dsl-match-demo, we have:

import { PatternMatch } from "draft-dsl-match";
* the default export will be the config object
export default {
DSLs: [{ name: "match", dsl: () => new PatternMatch() }],

The interface of this config object:

export interface ITypeDraftConfig {
DSLs: Array<{ name: string; dsl: () => IDSL }>;

Inplace DSL

In pattern match example:

import { MatchDSL } from "draft-dsl-match";
type Vector1 = { x: number };
type Vector2 = { x: number; y: number };
type Vector3 = {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number;
type Vector = Vector1 | Vector2 | Vector3;
const vector: Vector = { x: 1 };
const result = Λ<string>("match")` ${vector as Vector}
${{ x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 }} -> ${"vector3"}
${{ x: 2, y: 1 }} -> ${"vector2"}
${{ x: 1 }} -> ${"vector1"}
console.log(result); // "vector1"

Λ is unicode U+039B, it resembles caret and is used to introduce a new context where you can apply a DSL, and <string> is used to assert the output type. "match" is the name of the DSL. You can customize it in typedraft.config.ts.

It's hard to type Λ, thus we recommend that you can create code snippet in vscode so that you can type it in this way:


The snippet you may want to reuse:

"dsl": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript,typescriptreact",
"prefix": "dsl",
"body": ["Λ('$1')` $2`"],
"description": "use dsl in typedraft"

Inline DSL

The syntax of inline DSL is:

"use <dsl name>";

The name of DSL is registered in the config file, suppose that we have DSL named as "watch", which is used in svelte-draft:

export default function App() {
let count = 0;
function handleClick() {
count += 1;
let doubled: number;
"use watch";
doubled = count * 2;
<button onClick={handleClick}>
Clicked {count} {count === 1 ? "time" : "times"}
{count} doubled is {doubled}

this gives:

$: {
doubled = count * 2;